While the main beneficiaries of the Interreg Europe Programme are public and managing authorities, SMEs can benefit from the programme by joining various cross-border project partnerships.
Supporting SMEs in the field of ‘Financial Access’ is one of the core topics of our project, GT4SME. In the framework of the project, we have learnt a lot about available funds and partnership strategies for funded projects that apply to SMEs.
One of those is the Interreg Europe, which is a EU programme that aims to “help regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy”. The programme not only offers a learning platform for policy organizations, but also financially supports actions that relate to research & innovation, SME-competitiveness, low-carbon-economy and environment & resource efficiency. While the main beneficiaries of the programme are public and managing authorities (including intermediary bodies), SMEs can benefit from the programme by joining various cross-border project partnerships.
The programme will soon organize a virtual event (11.-14.10.2021), European Week of Regions and Cities, “the biggest annual event dedicated to regions, cities and cohesion policy”, in which green transition and digital transformation will be among the main topics covered.
SMEs play a crucial role in regional (economic) development and their engagement in such cross-regional / cross-sectoral partnerships are necessary for successful results. In our project, we aim to support SMEs and SME educators not only in topic-specific issues related to financial access, internationalization, digital transformation and impact (sustainability); but also in collaboration actions. Contact our team to learn more about how you can benefit from GT4SME and cooperate with the project partners.