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Free Tools And Resources From EU Projects

We are here presenting 3 projects implemented in the last 2 years; these are related to the 3 main themes in the GT4SME project: Internationalization, access to finance and digital transformation.

As for the previous entry, we are going to offer some resources produced by EU projects for the benefit of EU SMEs. Those resources, materials and tools are free of charge and available for everybody to use. We are here presenting 3 projects implemented in the last 2 years; these are related to the 3 main themes in the GT4SME project: Internationalization, access to finance and digital transformation.

Cooperate To Operate: Bringing Together Youth Organizations And SMEs Through Corporate Social Responsibility

Erasmus plus project

CoOp project aims to enhance the collaboration between Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and youth organizations, thus to promote and encourage private investment in youth development, and education. The main objective of the project is to support youth workers, thus youth organizations, to diversify their funding sources and attract investments from the business sector, by professionalizing them in the field of CSR / fundraising from SMEs.

Adoption of Sustainable Accounting Practices for Reporting

Erasmus plus project

Helping Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) to report sustainable practices cost-effectively

SMEs lack important knowledge regarding sustainability problems (i.e. confusion over what sustainability is, which process to follow to introduce sustainability into their businesses, etc.). At the same time, their staff need to know more about the principles of sustainability if they are to take a proactive approach to their work.

Existing frameworks, standards and protocols to assist companies adopt and implement the sustainability practices are complex, especially for SMEs, since they are designed as “one size fits all” with large enterprises in mind.

SME Internationalisation Exchange

Interreg project

SIE will include study visits, local stakeholder groups, joint research into barriers faced by SMEs and regional action plans to improve policy design and implementation.

The partners will explore how different SME support mechanisms (workshops, trade missions/fairs, investment funds, B2B matchmaking and online tools) work in each region. The project activities will focus on a variety of topics including digital vs physical exports and international vs European trade.

Internationalisation is a key way for SMEs to innovate & grow and is an essential part of ensuring that Europe continues to compete in the global market.

SMEs want to find new markets for their products & services but internationalisation can be complex. Companies face barriers when doing business in other countries but with the right support, internationalisation can help businesses to grow & become more innovative.

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