Enabling growth while simultaneously tackling the global challenges is at the core of the GT4SME project. Project members choose to do this by the development of a consulting framework that will enable impact SMEs to grow internationally.
Understanding the SMEs' motivations, needs, and perceptions are crucial in designing an excellent consulting package. We have chosen to "do as we preach" and explore and use various business model development methodologies to achieve this. We intend to pay attention to the process of the value proposition testing and validation of the consultancy offer.
In the workshop that is a part of the 2nd Transnational meeting, the consortium intends to make the first steps towards determining what are the needs of our potential target group (startups that have the potential to grow internationally). During the workshop, we will use a questionnaire in order to assess the current situation and motivation of the SME. The questionnaire has been prepared in line with the best practices of other European Commission supported projects. However, the specificity of the target group (startups vs. traditional export-oriented SMEs) required substantial modification of the content.
Based on the answers, the consortium member will use their knowledge as well as the knowledge gained through the course of the project, to make recommendations on the next steps SME could take.
In the next months, we intend to go beyond the questionnaire. As the further project steps, we will also develop the methodology of working with the start-ups by finding and adopting a fitting tool for business transformation/change. Moreover, we will look into the best possible business development methodologies that will enable us to offer a sustainable and replicable consulting model that will benefit not only the consortium members but also European-wide business communities.